tirsdag, oktober 17, 2006

Yahoo mener DRM er dårlig forretning

« The notion that a track I buy in DRM is protected and one without DRM isn't is a fallacy, [...] It's all nonsense. Music is never going to be protected, and anybody who tells you that is not being honest. Yes, you can put up speed bumps, but the people who really want to steal music are going to steal it. So you're just making it hard for people who want to do the right thing to get the music they legitimately purchased on the devices and services that they want.»
- David Goldberg, Yahoo Music general manager

Endelig en sentral business-person som har guts nok til å fortelle at Keiseren ikke har klær.

Dette i tillegg til at Disney/ABC har innsett at Internett krever en ny forretningsmodell for underholdningsindustrien, så er det kanskje håp likevel....

Uttalelsen til Goldberg kom i en Billboard/Reuters-artikkel, hvor han og sjefen for eMusic ble intervjuet. Les hele her

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